ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center
Phone (888) 426-4435
Veterinarians Drs. Davis Hall and Reed Hall
Practicing at Town & Country Animal Hospital in Fairfax and Columbia Pike Animal Hospital in Annandale (Columbia Pike is open 24/7/365 with no emergency fees.)
Groomer Horner's Corner
Dog Training Classes (agility, flyball, obedience, rally obedience, puppy kindergarten, canine good citizenship)
Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority
Private Dog Training and Small Training Classes
Rudy's Friends Dog Training, Inc.
Perfect Poochies
National Capital Area Professional Pet Sitters Network
(NCAPPSN) We're a proud member.
National Association of Professional Pet Sitters
(NAPPS) We're a proud member.
Animal Rescue Organizations
Animal Welfare League of Alexandria
Homeless Animals Rescue Team
King Street Cats
Lost Dog and Cat Rescue Foundation
Mid-Atlantic German Shorthaired Pointer Rescue
Stem cell therapy for dogs, cats, and horses with arthritis or tendon and ligament injuries.
Learn to protect yourself and your home
YOBNUG Firearms Safety and Training
Baldino's Lock and Key
Stain Busters Carpet Cleaning
Great with pet stains!
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